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County Councillor News

30th August, 2024

Published: 1 September 2024

Gloucestershire County Council working with Nature to Reduce Flooding Risks

Gloucestershire County Council is committed to creating a greener Gloucestershire and is investing in flooding resilience. Climate change is increasing the risk of flooding within the county. I attended the Flood Forum which brought together speakers in a concerted effort to promote the exciting
and valuable work carried by those who respond to and deal with flooding and the collaborative
working between the organisations. Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency gave informative presentations as well as giving the opportunity for attendees to ask questions and develop
collective thinking on tackling flooding. Both presentations covered how agencies work together, manage flooding, plan respond during an incident, and take a whole-catchment approach to working with nature to help reduce the impacts of future flooding and the engagement with farmers. I was able to discuss the flooding resilience within my division.

Gloucestershire Equipment Loan Service (Formally GIS)

GIS has changed its name to Gloucestershire Equipment Loan Service to make it easier for
our community to understand what the service does and how it can help.
The new name also emphasises that equipment is on loan and should be returned when residents
are finished with it. The current vans have also been rebranded.
From October, new electric delivery vans will be out and about in the area. This move to an all-new electric fleet of vans supports our journey to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030.

Cycle September

Transport is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses in Gloucestershire, accounting for an estimated 43% of emissions produced in the county.
Cycle September is a nationwide campaign looking to improve health and the planet
‘one pedal at a time’! If you log your rides during September, you can see the carbon you have saved, the distance you have cycled, and you can be in with a chance of
winning £2,000!  

Find out more on the GCC website:

To find out more and to download the promotional pack, visit:

How To Report A Problem on Fix My Street 

Any member of the public can report issues on the Gloucestershire County Council website 

  1. Enter a Gloucestershire postcode, or street name and area
  2. Locate the problem on a map of the area (drop a ‘pin’)
  3. Enter details of the problem  (text box).  If you are able, add what3words identification for rural areas where there might not be named streets or landmarks.
  4. Upload photos if you have them
  5. Confirm the report and Gloucestershire County Council will investigate.The site will now show the reported problem. This is helpful to see whether an issue has already
    been identified.

Free Bus Travel for Veterans Seeking Employment

A travel card providing free bus travel has been made available to veterans who are seeking
employment in Gloucestershire.

The initiative has been introduced by Gloucestershire County Council in partnership with the
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Jobcentre Plus.

The county council agreed to set up the scheme following a motion put forward by Cllr Cate Cody,
leader of the Green Party at Gloucestershire County Council full council meeting in February.
It was supported by the Conservative group after minor amends and unanimously approved by all councillors.

The county council has produced and funded the travel cards, while Jobcentre Plus establishments in the county will issue them.

The initiative was launched at the Veterans Café in Gloucester, which was set up earlier this year with the support of the county council.
The café is based at the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum and provides a space for serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families to gather, socialise
and support each other. The travel card will be available to veterans over aged 16 who are claiming Universal Credit or receiving a DWP benefit in Gloucestershire. It will entitle them to free bus travel throughout Gloucestershire.

Each card can be used for 50 single free trips and even if a veteran gains employment before the trips on the card run out, they can continue to use it.
If the veteran if still seeking employment after the card runs out, they will be issued with a new card.

Further information on the scheme can be found on the Veterans’ Travel Card webpage:
or the Armed Forces Covenant pages:

NHS Introduces New Vaccination Programme Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

The NHS in Gloucestershire will be rolling out a new vaccination programme from 1st September to protect those most vulnerable from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

About RSV:

RSV is a common respiratory virus that that can cause serious lung infections. However,
despite infecting around 90% of children within the first 2 years of life, it’s not a virus that
many people are aware of.
While RSV infection can occur at any age, the risk of RSV and its complications are increased in older adults and babies.

Dr Hein Le Roux, GP and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, NHS Gloucestershire said, “RSV is a common seasonal winter virus which can cause colds, coughs and mild respiratory infection in adults and children.  Most infections get better by themselves, but RSV can cause severe illness in some people, including pneumonia (infection of the lungs), bronchiolitis (a common chest infection that affects babies and children under two) and other life-threatening conditions.  The NHS in Gloucestershire is now offering the RSV vaccine to those most vulnerable to the virus. If you’re eligible, it’s important to take up the offer as soon as you’re invited to reduce your risk of becoming seriously unwell.”

Professor Mark Pietroni, Medical Director at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said,  “RSV is one of the main causes of winter pressure on our children’s wards each year, and we know that nationally it accounts for approximately 20,000 hospitalisations in children under the age of one every year. Having the vaccine during pregnancy is the best way to protect your baby against RSV, as the vaccine boosts your immune system to produce more antibodies against the virus, and these then pass through the placenta to help protect your baby from the day they are born. Your midwife will be happy to have a chat with you about the vaccines recommended to women during pregnancy, including RSV, at your antenatal appointment.”

How to access the RSV vaccine for older adults aged 75 to 79:

All adults currently aged 75 to 79 will be invited to book a vaccination by local GP services in the weeks following 1 September 2024. You do not need to contact your GP practice at this time.

Following the initial ‘catch-up’ campaign for those who are already 75, all adults will be invited for a single dose of the RSV vaccination on or after their 75th birthday.  As part of the routine programme, people will remain eligible until the day before their 80th birthday.

How to access the RSV vaccine for pregnant women to protect infants

Pregnant women will be eligible for a single dose of the RSV vaccine from the 28th-36th week of their pregnancy. Your midwife will speak to you about booking in the RSV vaccination at your antenatal appointment, in addition to the other vaccines you’re eligible for when pregnant, including whooping cough, flu and COVID-19.

Fly Tipping in The Area

It would appear that there has been an increase in fly tipping in the area over the past few months. Whilst I do report to the council to request clearance of the items,
I would ask that you contact me if you do notice bags, etc. left for someone else to clear up. The council are generally quick in responding.


If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me directly
01452 770928  or 07766 318854 mobile.

Cllr Sue Williams

Photo of Cllr Sue Williams

Cllr Sue Williams, Gloucestershire County Council

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